라이플 /사냥 관련된 정보 사이트 Rifle Info. SitesHunting, 사냥 2021. 10. 12. 11:44
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환영이다, 마음을 잘 다스리면서 읽어 볼 일이다.
하긴 시골 미국에서는 가족과 자신 나아가서는 자치 구역을 지킬 목적으로 방어용 총기를 소유하고 있는 경우가 대부분이다.
총기 사고도 많이 나는 데다가 나 아니면 가족을 지킬 수 없는 경우도 자주 발생하고 항상 위험을 미리 대비 해야 하기 때문이다.
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버지니아 고인돌 가족
사냥 : 소고기 보다 맛있는 사슴고기 만들기, 담백, 육즙
워싱턴 포스트 신문에서 왜 사냥을 하고 사슴 고기를 먹어야 되는지에 대한 기사.
사슴 등심과 안심 스테이크 및 뒷다리 고기 직접 처치하기.
사슴 등심과 안심 스테이크 및 뒷다리 고기 직접 처치하기. 미국 바이든 대통령 의 총기규제 알아 보기. 사냥 101. 소고기 보다 맛있는 사슴고기 만들기, 담백하고 육즙이 많을 뿐 아니라 감칠맛이 나며 건강에도 좋은 고기. https://youtu.be/uIojcw5K4GQ
담백하고 육즙이 많을 뿐 아니라 감칠맛이 나며 건강에도 좋은 고기. 미국사이트
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그리고 미국 생활에 관한 부분적인 이야기들을 시청자들과 함께 공유
공기총들이 많이 보입니다. #Airgun 시즌이 다시 돌아오다 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH8W48Gjscvxr3iFoeEfU6w/videos
여기서 잠깐 쉬어 가셔요. 고달픈 인생... 복잡한 인생... 저의 채널에서 잠깐 숨 돌리시고 목축이고 먼 길 가셔요.... 삶의 현장에서 경험하는 미국 동남부 지역의 전원 생활, 생존, 사격과 사냥,
사냥 사이트
늑대와 곰의 사냥
곰 사냥의 전형적 스펙 ! 웨더비 장총과 루뽀의 VX-HD , 500 야드 거리의 곰을 겨냥 하고 있다. 마지막 장면에 커다란 울프를 포획한 장면이 나온다. ( 심약하지 않으신, 건장한 분들만 보세요)
미국 사이트
Guns.com is a niche news web site that publishes original reporting on the wide range of topics within the gun world. We publish Monday through Friday.
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Managing unauthorized access to firearms, particularly KIDS.
Just some basic tips about securing firearms so that only YOU have access to them. Not a comprehensive safety video; I will follow up later with my take on other safety issues.
Safety Note: Also, In my effort to emphasize how securely a good trigger lock secures a handgun, I pretty much state that even with a round chambered, the gun would be virtually "unshootable." That's about the truth, but I think most experts would advise us to absolutely NOT put a trigger lock on a pistol if the gun is "cocked&locked." Could be dangerous messing around with the trigger lock near the trigger, depending on whether it's a revolver or a semi-auto. Your decision, of course.
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무기대백과 https://work.chron.com/become-licensed-gunsmith-11741.html
How to Become a Licensed Gunsmith
How to Become a Licensed Gunsmith. A gunsmith is responsible for making repairs on guns. Some gunsmiths also design and build guns or modify them for the purposes of selling and reselling. To work as a gunsmith manufacturer or dealer, you need a federal fi
미국에서 총포사를 열려면
How to Become a Firearms Dealer
How to Become a Licensed Gunsmith
총기류 수리업을 하려면
A gunsmith is responsible for making repairs on guns. Some gunsmiths also design and build guns or modify them for the purposes of selling and reselling. To work as a gunsmith manufacturer or dealer, you need a federal firearms license, or FFL, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). This is the agency responsible for overseeing and issuing federal firearms licenses. A federal firearms license does not authorize you to carry a gun. It only authorizes you to sell, perform maintenance or make repairs to them.
Listing of Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) - 2015 | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Listing of Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) - 2015 Last Reviewed June 14, 2021
Enroll in a Course
Enroll in and complete a gunsmith certification training course at a local college, university, gunsmithing school or trade school. According to Learn.org, you have the option of earning a four year degree, an associate's degree or a gunsmith certificate/diploma. Be sure to choose a school that allows you to get hands-on experience working in a gunsmithing shop.
During gunsmithing school, you will learn about ballistics, firearm usage, different gun types, repair tool usage, blueprints, recoil pad fitting and refinishing stocks.
Submit an Application
After completing gunsmith certification training, contact the ATF to request an application for firearms license. The specific form to request is “ATF Form 7/7CR.” This license application can also be downloaded from the ATF Web site.
Complete the firearms license application. This is a four-page long application that requires information such as your name, business name, tax ID number, contact information, business partners and zoning information. You must also specify the exact license type you are seeking. There are nine types of FFL licenses. The basic license is “Type 1,” which authorizes you to work with shotguns, pistols, revolvers and rifles.” Higher powered guns require a higher license number. Each license type is thoroughly explained on the application.
Submit the completed application along with the required processing fee to the address listed on the application. At the time of publication, the processing fee for a “Type 1” FFL is $200.
Complete an Interview
Meet with a local ATF industry operations investigator, IOI, for a face-to-face interview. The ATF will advise you in advance of the interview date. During the interview, the IOI will verify the facts on your application are correct, including zoning information. He will also ask questions to determine if you have ever willfully violated the Gun Control Act.
Finally, wait to receive your license in the mail. Once your interview is completed, the IOI will notify the ATF that it is safe to issue your license.
History of the Hunting Rifle in America
On April 24, 1607, 143 men from England disembarked from three ships onto what we now call Jamestown, Va., establishing the first permanent English colony in North America. In the intervening 411 years that modest colony has grown into the most prosperous nation on Earth, and our survival and economic prosperity are due in no small fact to the use and development of firearms. The catalyst to this success has been the evolution of the hunting rifle over the past four centuries.
The first settlers to this country came armed. Well armed. They provided themselves with the best means of defense available to them at the time for they knew that in order for their colony to succeed they would need to defend it and live off the wild game the area provided.
To understand the hunting rifle in America we might take a quick look back to examine the development of firearms in general. Gunpowder was first recorded in the writings of Roger Bacon in the last years of the 13th century. Some scholars theorize the Chinese developed what became known as black powder as a pyrotechnic and a fireworks propellant as early as 900 A.D. The first known projectile-firing gun, as we understand them today, is a Chinese example dated to the year 1288. The Chinese did not further the development nor did they recognize the potential use of firearms until long after arms had been refined in Europe in the early 1300s. The development of firearms initially was the development of cannon or artillery; “handgonnes” evolved as an off-shoot of cannon designs.
from : https://www.americanhunter.org/articles/2018/5/16/history-of-the-hunting-rifle-in-america
10대 미국 소총 제조사
Some of the best gun manufacturers out there are right here in the United States.
When you start looking at it, you'll find that many of the most famous firearms companies: Glock, Heckler & Koch, Beretta, SIG SAUER and more are foreign firearms made overseas.
While most of these gun makers now have factories here in the States, some gun owners are likely looking for true American firearms.
Here are some of the more prominent members of the firearms industry with roots right here in America that continue to prove some of the best guns in the world come from the U.S.A.
1. Remington
We might as well start this list off with America's Oldest Gunmaker. Founded in 1816 by Eliphalet Remington, the company was born, like most companies, by Eliphalet's belief that he could build a better product than what was currently offered.
His first design, a flintlock rifle, was a hit and kicked off his new business with a bang (Pun intended).
Today Remington builds a little of everything for the U.S. market including handguns, but they are best known for their rifles and shotguns. Arguably, two guns, the Remington 700 rifle and the 870 shotgun, may have killed more deer than any other pair of firearms in existence today. I used the latter to shoot a nice 7-point this season in Michigan.
The 700 has also been trusted in countless conflicts as the sniper rifle of choice for many branches of the Armed Service over the years.
This company also owns popular American outdoor brands like Bushmaster and Marlin, the manufacturer of popular rimfire guns like the Model 60 and some sweet lever-action hunting guns.
Remington did file for bankruptcy last April, but the company went through a top to bottom reorganization and introduced a glut of new firearms shortly after to show they truly are a resilient American company.
2. Sturm, Ruger & Co.
Here's a manufacturer that was founded in Connecticut in 1949 by William Ruger and Alexander Sturm. Today this gun company is better known as simply Ruger. It's kind of a shame Sturm doesn't get his name credited enough for this company, which has plenty of irons in the fire.
The Ruger 10/22, of course, is one of the most popular rimfire guns on the planet with countless companies offering aftermarket parts for this popular gun. As if the long gun rimfire market wasn't enough, their MK series of .22 pistols are the most popular rimfire handguns as well.
Ruger also has a nice chunk of the concealed carry market with their popular and affordable LCR revolver and LCP subcompact semi-automatic handguns.
Of course, we can't talk about this company without also talking about their bolt-action hunting rifles, which are becoming increasingly popular with hunters.
In fact, I've been eyeing one of their American Rifles in .450 Bushmaster myself for several months now.
Currently, this company supports U.S. jobs with facilities in Arizona, North Carolina, Missouri and New Hampshire giving work to over 2,000 employees.
4. Browning
We can't talk about American firearms manufacturers without mentioning Browning Arms Company. Technically the company is owned by Belgium firearms maker FN Herstal, but this company has its roots firmly here in the good old U.S.A.
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