Safety -- Safety first --Safety -- Safety first --
MODERN PRECISION RIFLE of Christensen $2,399.99
아시다 시피 미국에서는 총구하기가 쉽다. 아무나, 거의 아무나 산다. 범죄 경력없고 마음에 총류 기피증 없으면. 남자들은 웬만하면 다 기계/ 차량/ 총류 좋아하니까.
게다가 조기 리타이어 하고 할 일 없는 분들 ( 거의 생계형의 ) 수렵을, 관심만 있으면, "주변에 누가 하더라" 하면 거의 한 번 정도 나도 한번 사볼까 생각하게 된다. 게다가 요즘 할 일 참 궁한 코로나 시대 아닌가. 혼자 놀아야 하고..
항생제 없고 호르론 주입 없는, 자연 그대로의 육류를 섭취할 수도 있는 사슴육.
사슴 고기는 참고로 : 소 보다 30% 지방이 없고 좋은 종류의 단백질이란다. 강제 사육 시키는것도 아니고 게다가 생태계의 이상으로 늘어난 사슴을 안 잡으면 밤길 고속도로 사슴 추돌 사고가 년 2000건이 넘는다는데 사람도 죽고 다치고, 생태계의 안정을 위해서도 사냥은 좋은 일이란다.
살생이라 안 잡는다는 분은 소 돼지 닭 등 물고기도 안드시는지 생각해 보시면...
아무튼 여러가지이유로
1. 가정과 나를 지킨다 2. 사냥을 한다 3. 사격 스포츠를 즐긴다.
등의 이유로 총류를 사러 간다.
******* 뉴스 ****** 최근의 법률 규정으로 소위 " AR : 돌격용 소총 " 은 뉴욕에서 구입금지 또는 어려워 진단다. 라이센스가 필요하다는 이야기는 특별한 일 없으면 그 시간걸리는 일을 견디기 어려우니 안사고 만다. 게다가 돌격용-전투용- 소총은 가급적 사지 마세요, 위험 하고, ( 자신을 믿을수 있는 사람도 몇 없습니다. ) 조심해야 해요. 즉 자동 소총은 규제를 많이 받는다는 이야기인데 자신을 지키고, 가족을 지키고, 사슴이나 오리 등을 잡는데 똘격용 소총이 필요하지는 않아요 ... 총격사고가 하도 많이 나니 나도 소총 구입금지론자로 변경할까 고심 중임...
라이플과 샷건이 있다. 샷건은 산탄 총알, 라이플은 단발 총알. 쉽게 살 수 있는 것은
절차 Gun Store 에 들어간다 구경을 하고 고른다. 쭈삣거리지 않는다. 이유를 물으면 home protection. Hunting. 등을 이야기 해 준다.
총을 사기위해 라이센스가 필요한것은 아니다. 한국적 사고 방식으로는 좀 황당하긴하다. 아무나 살 수 있는 미국의 역사적 배경이 새롭다. 필요한것은 Background check 미국 시민이고 범죄 경력. 기록 없으면 문제 무 스토어 에서 직접 온라인으로 검색 라이플이나 산탄총은 오케이. 핸드건. 권총은 별도의 신청 ㅡ 쉽지않음. ㅡ 한 일년 쯤 소요
ID (like Driver's License) 제시하고 양식 작성 해야.
recommended ammo and Rifle for Hunting : Caliber 로는 : 30-06 Springfireld .308 Win .243 Win 6.5 CM ( 6.5mm Creed Moore )
or Shot Gun 12 또는 20 게이지
good rifles
총기 구입은 쉽지만 사냥은 다른 문제 규제가 심하다. 가능 일자도 아주 극소수의 일자와 수량뿐. Hunting License를 취득해야 한다. ==> Hunting Ed ==> Certificate ==> Hunting License when Fall, September, October, November in Allowed Park, Area only
Only for safe Hunting
Un-Loaded gun in the car to go to shooting range or hunting place is Ok. But the loaded gun will hurt you, no recommended. or arrested in case !! So, 차량 이동시 장전 금지. 정말 안전이 중요하다. 무의미한 총기사고로 사망한다는 것은 말이 안된다. 군 복무가 의무가 아닌 미국에서는 많은 총기 사격 연습생들이 생짜로 사격 한다. 안전교육도 정밀사격 훈련도 없이 영점 조준도 모르고 아무튼, No carry, hold, move the loaded Gun, Rifle.
< 사족 > 미국은 위험 천만이다. 길거리의 4명중 한명은 총을 집에 가지고 있다고 봐야 한다. 확실한 수자는 아니지만 뉴욕을 포함한 몇몇 규제 심한 지역을 빼고는 길거리에서 핸드건을 소지하고 활보하는 사람들도 일단은 많다고 봐야 한다. 아무에게나 큰소리치거나 싸움을 걸거나 인종 등의 이슈에 대해 불쾌감을 표시하거나 하면 어디서 총알이 날아올지도 모른다는 막연란 불쾌감(?)이 간혹, 하지만 알면서도 거의 무감각하게 지낸다. < 사족 끝 >
Check out the best hunting rifles for your next deer hunt By John B. Snow Updated: August 4, 2017
Your go-to deer rifle might look like this bolt action—or not.John Hafner We're not pulling any punches here. We've assembled a list of the best deer hunting rifles made today for every type of hunting, whether you're chasing whitetails in a cedar swamp or scouting miles of open prairie for mule deer. Yes, a basic synthetic-stocked .30/06 bolt gun will serve just fine for the majority of deer hunts, but there’s something to be said for having the right tool for the right job. Sometimes that means an extra-accurate rifle for making long shots, or a lightweight rig for hauling up a mountain. And sometimes hunting regs won’t allow a centerfire rifle of any type. So for whatever type of deer hunting you do, you’ll find a perfect gun on this list.
1. Beanfield Sniper Remington Sendero SF II
Remington Sendero SF IIRemington With a heavy 26-inch barrel, the Sendero is built to squeeze as much velocity as possible out of flat-shooting cartridges for long, accurate shots. The rifle is heavy—with a scope, it is going to weigh 10 pounds or more—but if you’ve got a short hike to your stand or don’t mind humping a beefy rig, the Sendero is ideal. The rigid HS Precision stock helps with accuracy. Currently it’s offered in 7mm Rem. Mag., .300 Win. Mag., and .300 Rem. Ultramag., though if you search for used guns, you might find one in the underappreciated .264 Win. ($1,465)
2. Timber Classic Marlin 336C
Marlin 336CMarlin Lever guns endure not from some misguided sense of nostalgia, but because they strike a balance between portability, balance, handling, and firepower like no other deer rifle. The “thuddy-thuddy” remains a top deer cartridge, but I’ve always gravitated to the .35 Rem., which packs greater oomph. Either way, however, you won’t go wrong. Topped with a low-magnification scope or a peep sight, the Marlin 336C is ideal for hunting dark timber or from within the confines of a small blind. With moderate recoil and a magazine capacity that most bolt guns can only dream of, it is a potent rifle. ($610) ADVERTISEMENT
3. Alpine Shooter Sako Finnlight
Sako FinnlightSako
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The Sako Finnlight won Outdoor Life’s Editor’s Choice award a few years back due to its superb accuracy and reliability, which are not a given for rifles that have thin barrels and other weight-saving features. Light weight often comes at the expense of performance, but that’s not so with the 6-pound Finnlight. I’ve shot this rifle until it’s hot enough to fry an egg on its fluted barrel, but it still manages tight groups. It comes in a wide range of great calibers—.260 Rem., .270 WSM, 6.5x55 SE, 7mm Rem. Mag., to name a few—but I think it would be hard to top the .308, given the cartridge’s mild recoil, proven killing power, and broad selection of accurate loads. ($1,699)
4. All-Purpose All-Star Weatherby Vanguard Series 2
Weatherby Vanguard Series 2Weatherby BUY NOW When it comes to the best all-around big-game bolt gun, the Weatherby Vanguard Series 2 is at the top of the list. These rifles hit a sweet spot for their price, accuracy, handling, and craftsmanship. One of my friends, an avid gun nut who is also a penny-pinching farmer, was so smitten after shooting my .308 that he bought four Vanguards, one for every member of his family. The refinements that Weatherby made with the introduction of the Series 2—a better trigger and stock, and a handy three-position safety—took what had been a good rifle to begin with and made it great. ADVERTISEMENT Vanguards come in a host of configurations and calibers, but if you’re looking for a no-nonsense working gun for any type of deer, go for the Stainless Synthetic. It will handle rough use and rough weather, and with Weatherby’s accuracy guarantee, you can count on the rifle to do its part to guide your shot to its mark. ($799)
5. Penny-Pincher Ruger American
Ruger AmericanRuger BUY NOW I've shot at least a half dozen different Ruger Americans since they first came out, and all of them are absurdly accurate and sell for a price that gives other gunmakers fits. For a street price of about 400 bucks, Ruger has built a rifle with a good barrel and an innovative bedding system. It also comes with an adjustable trigger and a three-lug action that runs smoothly from the shoulder, which is something that many semi-custom bolt guns don't do. The rifle comes with Weaver-style scope bases, making it an even better value. About the only knock on the rifle, I suppose, are its aesthetics—though that seems a little ungenerous given the value it otherwise represents. The stock feels a bit flimsy in hand, and the rifle isn’t one that a hunter is likely to mount above the mantlepiece for its looks. Maybe this is a good thing, however. If Ruger managed to make the American a thing of beauty on top of its other virtues, other gunmakers would probably just give up in frustration. ($499) ADVERTISEMENT
6. Small-Plot Smasher Ambush 300 Blackout
Ambush 300 BlackoutAmbush Hunters on small parcels of private ground need a rifle with the ability to put an animal down quickly. This is a scenario where a large-caliber AR shines. A deer that makes it to land where the hunter doesn’t have permission to search can be a nightmare to recover. The Ambush 300 Blackout is well suited for this kind of work. Most hunters will probably opt for the supersonic .30-caliber loads that launch bullets weighing around 115 to 125 grains at 2,200 fps or more. For shots out to 200 yards, these rounds are deadly, and given the moderate recoil and semi-automatic operation of the Ambush, fast follow-up shots are possible if needed. The Ambush comes with a threaded 16-inch barrel, so attaching a sound suppressor to lessen the muzzle blast is easy to do, should the hunter want to save his hearing and be less of a nuisance to whoever might live nearby. ($1,799) ADVERTISEMENT
7. First-Timer Outfit H&R Handi Rifle
H&R Handi RifleH&R These rifles are as basic as they get. And basic is what one wants when putting a deer gun into the hands of a young or inexperienced hunter. The way the H&R Handi Rifleoperates couldn’t be simpler. The small lever on the back of the receiver unlocks the action, which pivots open on a hinge. When the shooter is ready to hunt, he drops a round in the pipe and closes the gun, and away he goes. Prior to the shot, the hunter cocks the hammer and that’s it. There’s nothing complicated to remember or to mess up. The exposed hammer makes it easy to check the status of the loaded gun, which is a good thing. These rifles also have pretty good triggers and are accurate as well. And there’s something to be said for a single-shot, which places emphasis on accuracy and marksmanship whenever the trigger is pulled. This platform is offered in many calibers, including the .44 Magnum, .223 Rem., and .243 Win., all of which are good deer rounds that don’t have excessive recoil, making them smart options for young hunters. ($322)
8. Slug-Zone Specialist Savage M220 Stainless Camo
Savage M220 Stainless CamoSavage My high opinion of these bolt-action slug guns was cemented the day I used one to help a blind hunter kill hogs in Texas while looking over his shoulder through a special scope mounted high above the barrel. Communicating in whispers, the two of us were able to knock over multiple pigs. Like everything Savage makes, these guns are accurate and, in the case of the M220, come equipped with Savage’s Accu-Trigger. That this gun is chambered in 20-gauge is another reason to love it. These slugs are much softer shooting than 12-gauge slugs, and no deer you might shoot would end up any less dead. The rifles have a detachable box magazine that holds two rounds and comes in a couple of different grades, either plain black with a synthetic stock or with stainless and camo finish, which costs a bit more. ($582) Sign up for Outdoor Life’s newsletterfor conservation news, hunting and fishing tips, and the hottest gear reviews.
9. Muzzleloading workhorse Thompson/Center Pro Hunter FX
Thompson/Center Pro Hunter FXThompson/Center BUY NOW I'll confess that it is a bit difficult to pick a "best" muzzleloader out there because, frankly, there are a number of excellent ones on the market. The Pro Hunter FX from T/C gets the nod, however. These rifles are well made, easy to clean and shoot, have comfortable stocks and good ergonomics, and also have a proven track record, which makes them a solid option for blackpowder hunting. For areas that don’t allow optics, the open sights on the Pro Hunter do their job well. The recoil-dampening system, which is built into the stock and consists of a series of squishy strips that compress under recoil, is also quite effective. While I don’t usually care for guns with finger grooves molded into the stock, the ones on the Pro Hunter are comfortable and help align the shooting hand for a good trigger squeeze. The Pro Hunter FX comes with a 26-inch barrel, a breech plug that is easy to remove by hand, and a crisp trigger. ($649)
10. Open-Country Stalker Nosler M48 Patriot
Nosler M48 PatriotNosler The 26 Nosler is the new kid in town and has hunters who stalk medium-size game in big country all aflutter with its barrel-smoking ballistics. Nosler’s initial loads in this 6.5mm caliber are a 129-grain AccuBond Longrange at 3,400 fps and a 140-grain AccuBond at 3,300 fps. For a hard-hitting and effective long-range hunting round, it is difficult to do better. But the ballistics and ammunition are only part of the story. The M48 Patriot, which is the rifle Nosler is making for the new round, is an outstanding bolt gun. Every component on the rifle is top-notch, and it is easy to tell that the craftsmen who designed and built the M48s are hunters and shooters. The triggers are lovely, the barrels are accurate, the stocks are well proportioned and strong and stiff, and the action is one of the finest hunting actions made. Little surprise that this rifle, new in 2014, took top honors in the Outdoor Life annual gun test, winning our Editor’s Choice award. ($1,695)
항상 훈련이 필요
안전에 촉각을 기울여, 항상 조심, 군필자 유리, 항상 마음을 잘 정돈, 수련하듯, 좋은 마음 항상 가지고, 사냥은 개체수 조절에 필요, 신선한 고기, 건강에 유리, 탄환은 항상 별도 안전관리, Fire Rate 보관 추천.
Good Luck !
추신 :
몇가지 신총 . // 신제품
Savage 110 PCS
110 PCS
Savage once again proves there’s no limit to the adaptability of the Model 110. The new 110 PCS is a bolt-action pistol built around the 110’s factory blueprinted action. The 110 PCS has a user-adjustable AccuTrigger™ for a crisp, clean pull. The action is secured in a one-piece aluminum chassis from Modular Driven Technologies (MDT) and includes an AICS-style detachable box magazine. The 110 PCS combines compact performance with the Model 110’s exceptional reputation for accuracy and reliability.
This is Savage. MSRP : $999.00